about us

Creates hyper growth business

We specialize in igniting hyper business growth through our comprehensive web development and digital marketing solutions. With a deep passion for crafting exceptional web applications, developing cutting-edge apps, and executing impactful digital marketing strategies like SEO and lead generation, we are your catalyst for success.


Years of

corporate experience

Grow Your Business With Our Services

Lead Generation

"Fuel Your Business Growth with Targeted Leads and Unleash Your Potential". At our web development agency, we understand that leads are the lifeblood of your business. We go beyond generating numbers; we connect you with individuals who are genuinely interested in your offerings. Our data-driven strategies and captivating campaigns empower you to build meaningful relationships with your audience, igniting growth and unlocking your true potential.

Social Media Marketing

"Make Your Brand's Story Come Alive and Create Lasting Connections". Social media is more than just posting content; it's about building connections that resonate on a deeper level. Our team of social media marketers weaves your brand's story into compelling narratives, creating an emotional bond with your audience. By sparking conversations, fostering engagement, and igniting passions, we help your brand come alive on social platforms, leaving a lasting impression in the hearts of your followers.

Full Stack App Development

"Crafting Seamless Digital Experiences that Inspire and Delight". In today's digital landscape, your app needs to be more than functional—it needs to evoke emotions and leave users inspired. Our full stack app development team combines cutting-edge technology with creative design, crafting seamless experiences that captivate and delight users. From the first interaction to the final touch, we ensure your app instills a sense of joy, making a lasting impact on the lives of your users.

Flutter App

"Transform Your Vision into a Cross-Platform Masterpiece that Sparks Excitement". Flutter's versatility allows us to bring your vision to life, seamlessly bridging the gap between different platforms. We harness the power of Flutter to create visually stunning and engaging cross-platform apps that evoke excitement. By unifying the experience across iOS and Android devices, we ensure your app connects with users on a profound level, making them feel truly seen and understood.

Custom App Development

"Tailor-Made Solutions that Empower Your Business and Illuminate Your Dreams". Your business is unique, and it deserves a custom solution that aligns with your vision and goals. Our custom app development services are driven by a deep understanding of your needs and aspirations. We translate your dreams into reality, empowering your business to thrive. With every line of code, we infuse passion and dedication, ensuring your custom app becomes a beacon of success and a testament to your ambitions.

AI-Driven Marketing

"Unleash the Power of AI to Create Personalized Experiences that Ignite Emotions". Artificial intelligence isn't just about numbers and automation; it's about creating personalized experiences that truly touch people's hearts. Our AI-driven marketing strategies leverage advanced algorithms to understand your audience at a profound level. By tailoring messages and offers to their unique needs and desires, we create emotionally resonant experiences that forge deep connections and drive remarkable results.

On-Demand Apps

"On-Demand Solutions for the Modern World". In today's fast-paced world, on-demand apps have become a game-changer, and our agency is at the forefront of delivering cutting-edge solutions. With our expertise in developing on-demand apps across various industries, we help businesses revolutionize their operations and enhance customer experiences. Our team leverages the latest technologies and best practices to create seamless, user-friendly, and scalable on-demand apps that cater to the ever-evolving needs of your target audience.

Graphic Design

"Visual Masterpieces that Leave a Lasting Impression". Our skilled graphic designers possess a keen eye for detail and a passion for creating visually stunning masterpieces. Whether it's a captivating logo, eye-catching brochure, or a striking social media graphic, we meticulously craft designs that capture your brand's essence and leave a lasting impression on your target audience. With our decade-long experience and dedication to excellence, we ensure that your visual identity stands out in a crowded digital landscape.

Digital Marketing Services

"Unleashing the Power of Digital Marketing to Drive Your Success". Our digital marketing services empower businesses to reach their target audience effectively and maximize their online visibility. With our proven strategies, extensive industry knowledge, and data-driven approach, we develop comprehensive digital marketing campaigns that boost brand awareness, drive website traffic, and generate valuable leads. Partner with our seasoned professionals to unlock the full potential of digital marketing and achieve remarkable business growth.

Web Development

"Crafting Engaging Websites that Captivate and Convert". At our web development agency, we specialize in crafting captivating websites that not only impress but also convert visitors into loyal customers. With a deep understanding of user experience (UX) and cutting-edge design trends, we create responsive, fast-loading, and SEO-optimized websites that seamlessly align with your brand's goals. Trust our seasoned experts to deliver tailor-made solutions that elevate your online presence.

App Development

"Transforming Ideas into Cutting-Edge Apps for Success". Our expert app development team combines innovation and expertise to transform your ideas into high-performing mobile and web applications. We utilize the latest technologies to create user-friendly, visually stunning, and feature-rich apps that help your business thrive in the digital world. Trust our decade-long experience to deliver exceptional results and propel your brand to new heights.

Native App Development

"Ignite Your Vision: Unleashing the Power of Native Apps That Inspire".
"Crafting Experiences That Connect: Native Apps That Touch Hearts".
"Where Ideas Come Alive: Transforming Dreams into Seamless Native Apps".

Hybrid App Development

"Unleash Possibilities: Bridging Platforms, Amplifying Impact".
"Versatility Redefined: Hybrid Apps That Adapt to Your Audience".
"Empower Your Brand: Connect and Engage with Seamless Hybrid Apps".

Mobile Game Development

"Unleash Adventure: Gaming Experiences That Thrill and Inspire".
"Enter the Realm of Entertainment: Captivating Mobile Games for All".
"Gaming Beyond Imagination: Embrace the Joy of Unforgettable Experiences".

E-commerce Website Development

"Transform Your Online Presence: Creating Digital Destinations That Inspire".
"From Clicks to Conversions: Elevate Your Brand with E-commerce Websites".
"Where Shopping Meets Emotion: Craft Engaging Online Stores That Connect".

iPhone App Development

"Empowering iOS Excellence: Bespoke iPhone Apps That Ignite Emotions".
"Unleash the Apple Experience: Elevate Your Brand with iPhone Apps".
"Innovation in Your Hands: Inspiring iPhone Apps Tailored to You".

React Native App Development

"Unify Platforms, Enhance Experiences: Where Elegance Meets Performance".
"Efficiency Redefined: Craft Stunning Apps with React Native Expertise".
"Unlock Cross-Platform Brilliance: Elevate Your Brand with React Native".

Lead-Based Marketing

"Unlock Growth Potential: Lead-Based Marketing Strategies that Drive Results".
"From Leads to Customers: Empowering Your Sales Funnel with Targeted Marketing".
"Fuel Your Business with Quality Leads: Lead-Based Marketing for Success".

Content Marketing

"Ignite Your Brand's Story: Content Marketing that Captivates and Converts".
"Crafting Compelling Narratives: Content Marketing Strategies for Success".
"Engage. Inspire. Influence: Content Marketing that Resonates with Your Audience".

LinkedIn Marketing

"Connect. Engage. Succeed: Elevate Your Brand with LinkedIn Marketing".
"Unleash Your Professional Network: LinkedIn Marketing Strategies that Drive Growth".
"Harness the Power of Connections: LinkedIn Marketing that Makes a Lasting Impact".

Blockchain App Development

"Unlock the Future: Harness the Power of Blockchain for Your App".
"Transforming Possibilities: Blockchain Apps that Inspire Trust and Innovation".
"Building Secure Solutions: Blockchain App Development with a Vision".

Custom Web Development Services

Unique needs require unique solution. Our custom web applications provide usability, scalability and compatibility to your business on all platforms.

CALL US TODAY : +91 8050491740

Web Development

See Our Work


E-Commerce App Development

Welcome to Digiicodes, the premier web development agency specializing in on-demand e-commerce app development. With our deep expertise in creating feature-rich solutions, we empower businesses with seamless product browsing, secure payments, personalized recommendations, intuitive user interfaces, and robust inventory management. Drive your online sales and customer engagement with our exceptional e-commerce app development services.

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ecommerce app

Food Delivery App

Welcome to Digiicodes, the industry leaders in on-demand food delivery app development. Our comprehensive solution offers seamless ordering experience, real-time order tracking, secure payment integration, robust backend systems, visually stunning design, and an experienced team of developers and designers. Elevate your food delivery business with our unmatched expertise and innovative technology.

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ecommerce app

Grocery delivery app

Welcome to Digiicodes, the leading web development agency specializing in on-demand grocery delivery app development. Our expertise lies in crafting feature-rich solutions that encompass seamless ordering, real-time tracking, secure payments, efficient inventory management, captivating design, and a team of skilled professionals. Simplify grocery shopping with our cutting-edge technology and unmatched expertise.

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ecommerce app

Trip planning app

Welcome to Digiicodes, the premier web development agency specializing in on-demand trip planning app development. Our expertise lies in crafting feature-rich solutions that encompass itinerary creation, real-time navigation, destination recommendations, secure payments, captivating design, and a team of skilled professionals. Simplify travel planning with our cutting-edge technology and unparalleled expertise.

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ecommerce app

Online Education App

Welcome to Digiicodes, the leading web development agency specializing in on-demand online education app development. With our expertise, we deliver feature-rich solutions that encompass seamless course enrollment, interactive learning materials, progress tracking, secure payments, engaging design, and a team of experienced professionals. Revolutionize education with our cutting-edge technology and unmatched expertise.

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ecommerce app

Ecommerce Web Development

Welcome to Digiicodes, the premier web development agency specializing in on-demand e-commerce app development. With our deep expertise in creating feature-rich solutions, we empower businesses with seamless product browsing, secure payments, personalized recommendations, intuitive user interfaces, and robust inventory management. Drive your online sales and customer engagement with our exceptional e-commerce app development services.

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ecommerce app

Food delivery website

Welcome to Digiicodes, the industry leaders in on-demand food delivery app development. Our comprehensive solution offers seamless ordering experience, real-time order tracking, secure payment integration, robust backend systems, visually stunning design, and an experienced team of developers and designers. Elevate your food delivery business with our unmatched expertise and innovative technology.

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ecommerce app

Grocery delivery website

Welcome to Digiicodes, the leading web development agency specializing in on-demand grocery delivery app development. Our expertise lies in crafting feature-rich solutions that encompass seamless ordering, real-time tracking, secure payments, efficient inventory management, captivating design, and a team of skilled professionals. Simplify grocery shopping with our cutting-edge technology and unmatched expertise.

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ecommerce app

Trip planning website

Welcome to Digiicodes, the premier web development agency specializing in on-demand trip planning app development. Our expertise lies in crafting feature-rich solutions that encompass itinerary creation, real-time navigation, destination recommendations, secure payments, captivating design, and a team of skilled professionals. Simplify travel planning with our cutting-edge technology and unparalleled expertise.

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ecommerce app

Online education website

Welcome to Digiicodes, the leading web development agency specializing in on-demand online education app development. With our expertise, we deliver feature-rich solutions that encompass seamless course enrollment, interactive learning materials, progress tracking, secure payments, engaging design, and a team of experienced professionals. Revolutionize education with our cutting-edge technology and unmatched expertise.

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ecommerce app

Take your website to the next level

Web development solutions that fit client goals and objectives.

Our Leadership Team

Experience the leadership excellence at Digiicodes. Our visionary team drives innovation, ensuring exceptional web development solutions that bring your digital dreams to life. Trust their expertise for success.

MD Shams Azam
CEO & Founder

MD Shams Azam

Shubham Mukherjee
UI/UX Designer

Shubham Mukherjee

Sumit Saha
Backend Developer

Sumit Saha

Imteyaz Qoraishi
Frontend Developer

Imteyaz Qoraishi

MD Shams Azam
CEO & Founder

MD Shams Azam

Shubham Mukherjee
UI/UX Designer

Shubham Mukherjee

Sumit Saha
Backend Developer

Sumit Saha

Imteyaz Qoraishi
Frontend Developer

Imteyaz Qoraishi

Why Us ?

Unlock your digital potential with Digiicodes - your trusted partner for bespoke web development solutions that blend cutting-edge technology, captivating design, and unparalleled expertise.

100% Tested Business Solutions

At digiicodes, we blend cutting-edge technology with creative expertise to deliver exceptional web development solutions. Our passion for crafting innovative websites that drive results stems from our unwavering commitment to empowering businesses and creating meaningful online experiences."

At digiicodes, we create tailored web development solutions that align with your unique business goals and objectives. Our team works closely with you to design and develop a website that reflects your brand essence while meeting industry standards.

With our experienced team of professionals, we bring a wealth of expertise to every project. Our track record showcases our ability to deliver exceptional results, thanks to our deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies in web development.

We thrive on innovation and creativity, crafting visually stunning websites that captivate and engage your audience. By combining cutting-edge technologies with creative thinking, we create unique and impactful online experiences.

Our client-centric approach ensures that we understand your needs, goals, and challenges. We maintain open communication and involve you in every stage of the project, delivering a solution that perfectly aligns with your requirements.

We value long-term relationships with our clients. Beyond web development, we offer ongoing support, updates, and maintenance services to ensure your website's optimal performance. Partner with us for a lifelong collaboration focused on your growth and success.

Request a call back.

Unleash your website's potential. Request a call back from our expert team at digiicodes to transform your digital presence into a captivating online experience. Let us create a website that reflects your brand and drives business growth.

Tools and Programming Languages We Use


We harness the power of cutting-edge frontend technologies to create intuitive and visually stunning user interfaces.












React JS




Our expert backend developers utilize robust programming languages to build scalable and efficient web applications.








.Net MVC

C Sharp

C #


.Net Core




We leverage top-notch development tools to streamline our workflow and deliver exceptional results.












Visual Studio

VS Code

VS Code


We specialize in developing on versatile platforms that ensure optimal performance and seamless integration.





MS Office

MS Office

Sales Force

Sales Force










With our advanced DevOps and cloud solutions, we ensure smooth deployment, scalability, and enhanced security.





Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean





Google Cloud

Google Cloud




Our expertise in database management guarantees secure storage, efficient retrieval, and seamless data integration.

Dynamo DB

Dynamo DB

Maria DB

Maria DB

Mongo DB

Mongo DB



Postgre SQL

Postgre SQL

SQL Server

SQL Server

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Blog Posts

Latest News

Stay updated on the latest web development trends and insights at the digiicodes blog. Our expert articles cover frontend and backend technologies, design principles, and more. Explore our blog for valuable knowledge to enhance your online success.

John Doe • 19 Jan 2022

A small business is only as good as its tools and it is totally true.

We've all experienced the chaos of multiple spreadsheets, tracking and insight tools nced the chaos of multiple spreadsheets, tracking and insight tools nced the chaos of multiple spreadsheets, tracking and insight tools


John Doe • 19 Jan 2022

A small business is only as good as its tools and it is totally true.

We've all experienced the chaos of multiple spreadsheets, tracking and insight tools...


John Doe • 19 Jan 2022

A small business is only as good as its tools and it is totally true.

We've all experienced the chaos of multiple spreadsheets, tracking and insight tools...


John Doe • 19 Jan 2022

A small business is only as good as its tools and it is totally true.

We've all experienced the chaos of multiple spreadsheets, tracking and insight tools...


John Doe • 19 Jan 2022

A small business is only as good as its tools and it is totally true.

We've all experienced the chaos of multiple spreadsheets, tracking and insight tools...

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Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Natus illum ab nemo, deserunt soluta eos asperiores iste atque eum corporis laudantium quod repudiandae? Voluptas

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Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Natus illum ab nemo, deserunt soluta eos asperiores iste atque eum corporis laudantium quod repudiandae? Voluptas

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Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Natus illum ab nemo, deserunt soluta eos asperiores iste atque eum corporis laudantium quod repudiandae? Voluptas

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We've got answers! Explore our comprehensive FAQ section to find solutions to common web development queries, backed by our expertise and a genuine desire to help your business succeed online

Our web development timeline varies depending on the project complexity, features required, and client collaboration. We provide an estimated timeline during the initial consultation to ensure timely delivery without compromising quality.

At digiicodes, we offer tailored web development solutions to meet your specific requirements. The cost depends on factors such as project scope, design complexity, functionality, and ongoing support. Get in touch with us for a personalized quote.

Absolutely! We understand the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) and offer SEO-friendly web development services. Our team implements best practices, including keyword optimization, meta tags, and site structure, to help improve your website's visibility in search results.

We offer post-launch support and maintenance services to ensure your website remains functional, secure, and up to date. Our team is available to address any issues, perform updates, and provide ongoing support to keep your website running smoothly.

Getting started is easy! Simply reach out to us through our contact form, email, or phone, and our team will schedule a consultation to discuss your project requirements, goals, and timeline. We'll guide you through the entire web development process to ensure a successful outcome.

Absolutely! We have a team of talented designers who create visually appealing and user-friendly app designs. We prioritize user experience to ensure that your app engages and delights users.

Yes, we guide you through the process of submitting your app to the app stores (App Store and Google Play Store) and assist with optimizing your app's metadata, keywords, and screenshots to improve its visibility and download rate.

Yes, we develop apps that are responsive and compatible with different devices and screen sizes. Your app will provide a consistent and optimized experience across smartphones and tablets.

We provide app scalability, allowing for easy updates and addition of new features. Our development process ensures flexibility and scalability, enabling your app to grow along with your business needs.

At Digiicodes, we prioritize client confidentiality and sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to protect your app idea and intellectual property. Your idea and information are safe with us.

Yes, we specialize in e-commerce web development and can incorporate robust online shopping features, secure payment gateways, and inventory management systems to create a seamless and secure online shopping experience.

We prioritize website security and follow industry best practices to protect your website from vulnerabilities. We implement secure coding techniques, regular security updates, SSL certificates, and conduct thorough testing to safeguard your website and customer data.

Yes, we provide website migration services to help you seamlessly transition from an existing platform to a new one. We can also assist with website redesign projects to give your site a fresh and modern look while preserving its functionality.

Absolutely! We understand the importance of fast-loading websites. Our development process includes optimizing code, compressing images, and utilizing caching techniques to ensure your website performs optimally and provides a smooth user experience.

Yes, we have a team of skilled content writers who can help create engaging and persuasive website content. From page copy to blog posts, we can assist you in crafting compelling and SEO-friendly content that resonates with your target audience.